
The Church in Edison is a testimony of Jesus Christ and a place for Christian fellowship and worship in truth, life, and spirit.
We stand on the Holy Scriptures, not according to any traditional interpretation, but according to the pure Word of God.
We stand on Christ, the living rock, the foundation stone, the Head of the Body, and the life and reality of the church.
We stand on the genuine unity of the Body of Christ. We are not sectarian, nor denominational, nor nondenominational, nor interdenominational.
We stand on the ground of the oneness of all believers; we recognize all the blood-redeemed and Spirit-regenerated believers in Christ as members.
To preach the gospel of grace and of the kingdom to sinners that they may be saved.
To minister the life supply to believers that they may grow in Christ.
To become a local corporate expression of Christ in practicality.
To release the living and rich word of God from the Holy Scriptures that the believers may be nourished to grow and mature.
To build up the Body of Christ so that the Bride may be prepared for the coming back of Christ as the Bridegroom.
our HOPE
Our hope that as many as are ordained by God to eternal life will believe in the Lord Jesus.
Our hope that all regenerated Christians will seek the growth in life, not the mere increase of knowledge.
Our hope that all seeking Christians will see the vision of the church and come into the practical church life.
Our hope that the Lord will have a remnant of overcomers that His Bride may be prepared.
Our hope that the coming back of the Lord will be hastened by our growth and that we may participate in the blessed rapture and in His coming kingdom.